Monday, June 16, 2008

Darkened armpits

The harmful chemicals your deodorants contain as such as alcohol may cause your underarms to darken. Your skin reacts from the alcohol and causes discoloration of your armpits. Microabrasions caused by shaving or plucking is also one big issue to note. This practice sometimes even causes the appearance of ugly chicken skin on your darkened armpits. Ouch it feels like being murdered twice… darkened armpits and chicken skins!

Most dermatologists recommend peeling before bleaching darkened armpits. But the most common, effective and less expensive treatment our grandmothers and mothers would advise is to cut a lemon crosswise and then rub it straight on your armpits after your bath. Please don’t forget to remove the seeds for it might hurt your skin while doing the rub. Then put on powdered alum afterwards which may serve as your deodorant too. Laser hair removal could be a good option to help eliminate shaving but is costly. Try doing the lemon and alum rub first before spending money on anything.