At least people nowadays are aware that asthma is considered as life threatening. You just don’t know the feeling I had when I got admitted before to the emergency room because of my asthma. Later I heard some people crying and realized that the man occupying the bed next to mine died of asthma just moments ago. Nyahh… you must have known the little panic that crept within me….
Your environment can cause, trigger or exacerbate asthma symptoms. One good thing to take note is the presence of Nitrogen Dioxide which is an odorless gas. This is the usual byproduct of gas stoves, gas or oil furnaces, fireplaces, wood stoves and unvented kerosene or gas space heaters. I always have my asthma attack if I am exposed to this kind of trigger especially engine exhaust.
So if you have asthma please avoid these triggers and try to breathe more fresh air. This will do well to your lungs.
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