Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What is lupus?

Lupus or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is widely regarded as a rare small print disease relentlessly progressing to involve the kidneys and usually fatal. Lupus is a disease which causes the immune system to become over active resulting to clinically obvious problems as such as skin rashes, hair loss, joint swelling, chest pain and fever.

Symptoms like tiredness, depression and muscle aches are more difficult to diagnose since it can point to other types of diseases obviously carrying the same symptoms which are seen to be common. In the majority of patients, the disease has a relatively benign course and a normal life expectancy. Lupus is often described as opposite to AIDS.

The basic problem is the alteration in the patient’s immune system which produces too many antibodies. The overdrive results to overactive systemic system creating some sort of inflammation. There is no known cause for the disease despite years of research. There has been no virus or infectious cause identified with its occurrence. It is evident that lupus patients are allergy prone because of the abnormal activity of their immune system by which allergies from diet are seen to develop within hours of ingestion.

If you have this disease please be careful with what you eat. Better carry with you the list of the food you are able to eat and always ask waiters or food counter servers about the components of the food you plan to order otherwise you have to cook and eat your own good meal at home to be safe.


Anonymous said...

hello,, are you a doctor?