Saturday, May 31, 2008

Plasma beauty skin treatments

Multiple low energy plasma skin treatments minimize wrinkles in the face. Facial appearance and wrinkles may be reduced using plasma skin regeneration tool. Energy from plasma is emitted in millisecond long pulses to target skin tissues. It has been used as high energy single treatments for acne scarring or wrinkle reductions. The treatment requires a week or more time for healing.

This skin regeneration process is a completely new plasma energy technology that works on and below the surface of the skin to modify the skin’s architecture to generate new collagen. The transfer of plasma energy to the treated area is done without direct contact to the skin. The skin’s outer layers are being preserved until new skin regenerates. This is effective in reducing fine lines and deep wrinkles, treating sun damaged skin, improving acne scars and tightening of skin.

Forget undergoing knife surgeries. Say hello to a nonsurgical cosmetic treatment – plasma!

Revitalize your appearance by simple skin rejuvenation naturally restoring youthful appearance stimulating your body’s natural rejuvenation process. Combat the visible signs of aging by stimulating natural collagen production under the surface of your skin. Plastic skin regeneration is the latest technique which continuously shows improvements for as long as a year after treatment.