Sunday, June 22, 2008


We had a storm for two days and there was no electricity and water. This means I couldn’t work with my computer, no blogging and no research. God I felt so bored! I can feel my chronic back pain more just by lying at my bed with nothing to do. I over slept until I find it impossible to sleep anymore so at 4am dawn I was up and walking in my treadmill.

I discovered I cannot go more than 6 hours of sleep otherwise I’ll get lazy and tired. I miss my music and my writing too. Oh dear most of all I miss my early morning walk. But who dares walk on the street in the middle of a storm? And this is life without technology. This is life like you are too far in the world and living in the mountains – no computer, no internet, no TV, no electricity. My God…. This is torture!

Maybe I can live without a man or social life but I can’t live without my music, my blogs and my research. And funny how I can do all the work and be tired at the end of the day and just refresh myself by hearing the sound of water in my bathroom while taking my bath. The sound of the water is so refreshing. Feel like I need a good swim from a natural waterfall.

I got totally energized and refresh after two days of being out of nowhere in the middle of a storm. When the electric current went back, the first thing that I did was listened to my music while I read my emails and write my blogs. Music can do you good. And it is true, the thing that I have always been telling you before in my other blog that the best thing to counter chronic low back pain or any other pain is preoccupation. Get yourself preoccupied and you will less likely feel the pain rather than doing nothing.

My back felt worse for the two days that I have nothing to do and just lying around in bed. Of course I was afraid with the strong winds and the heavy rain. I can still hear the sound of my neighbor’s roof like it is going to get torn apart. I hate to see flying roofs so I closed my windows and just lie down staring at my ceiling. That was very unproductive but what can you do in the middle of a storm.

Now I am contented with my new LCD monitor making research listening to my music. It feels good to the eyes than the previous monitor. And the music keeps me humming too. I love technology. It surely makes me preoccupied and focus on other things other than my low back pain.