Sunday, June 8, 2008

Understanding plasma

Blood is a slightly sticky fluid that is composed of 55% plasma and 45% blood cells. Plasma is a yellow transparent fluid made of mostly water that contains small amounts of protein. Blood itself does not flow into the tissues but remains inside the blood vessels. Certain parts of the blood permeate through the capillary walls and into the tissue spaces. This interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic vessels called lymph. It consists mainly of water and important substances found in blood plasma such as fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a protein that can be converted to fibrin by the action of thrombin which is found to be essential in blood clotting and serum albumin which helps to regulate the osmotic pressure of plasma.

As the blood flows, the blood balance becomes altered. The plasma, serum and electrolytes especially sodium seeps into the subcutaneous tissue further preventing functioning. This can cause pain because of pressure on the nerve endings and can reduce skin’s elasticity.

It has been said that human’s blood plasma is very similar to ocean water that we evolved originally from the sea. Seawater has been used for a long time as a natural remedy for sore throats, digestive problems, arthritis and joint ailments. Seaweeds on the other hand is an incredible valuable source for effective face and body treatment which is part of the greater family of life giving substances known as algae.

In the field of esthetics and beauty treatments, algae may be used to help stimulate body’s metabolism and circulation because of its high mineral content. The various mineral properties may soften and cleanse the skin while helping to disrupt the fat cells by breaking chemical bonds and allowing trapped waste materials to be released into the lymph system for subsequent removal. The increase of circulation facilitates the absorption of nutrients into the system which leads to eliminating some toxins and wastes. Be healthy, feel and look young and beautiful – know some effective beauty treatment effects in your body and choose what’s best and affordable for you!